연세대학교 지구시스템과학과

Department of Earth System Sciences

A Word from the Chair

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The Department of Earth System Sciences in Yonsei University

seeks to train professionals in Natural Science with skills in

creative thinking, technological adaptability and practical application,

via the undergraduate and graduate programs.

Our institution utilizes innovative coursework as its basis to conduct fundamental researches on understanding of the earth systems and is actively directing their practical applications for various fields, to pioneer future research in geological resources and earth systems. We offer support for graduate students via on- and off-campus scholarships. In addition, we guarantee students’ right for freedom in their area of specialization, to allow flexible adaptation to variable industrial demands for different technological skills.

The department has affiliated organizations for promoting the cooperation between academic and industrial sectors. The “Earth System Sciences Research Center (ESSRC)” promotes application of fundamental research on earth environment to industrial fields.

Our primary interest is to allow individuals to become confident and capable of pursue their goals, by assisting their development into a confident, faithful, morally responsible and contributive member to the society. We envision, and endeavor, to be able to offer world-class education for individuals.

Thank you,

March 2023
Department Head of the Department of Earth System Sciences,   Changyeol Lee